Wednesday, 9 November 2016


My Mihi

Ka tangi te titi  
Ka tangi te kaka
Ka tangi ko ahau 
Tihei Mauri Ora!

Ko te wehi ki te Atua 
Me whakakororia tona ingoa 
I nga wa katoa.

E nga waewae tapu
E nga mana 
E nga reo 
E nga waka

Tena Koutou i o tatou tini mate 
Haere, haere, haere.

Te hunga mate ki te hunga mate 
Te hunga ora ki te hunga ora

E nga Manuhiri
Nau mai, haere mai, haere mai

Tena koutou ki a koutou 
kua tae mai nei 
ki te tautoko te kaupapa
o tenei wa.

E nga waewae tapu 
E nga mana 
E nga reo 
E nga waka

E tika ana te korero 
i o tatou tupuna

Waiho i te toipoto 
Kaua i te toiroa

Ko Brandon taku ingoa
Ko Ngati Porou te iwi
Ko Ngapuhi te hapu 
Ko te waitemata te awa
Ko rangitoto te maunga
Ko Rosmini te marae
Ko Christine taku mama
Ko Anthony taku papa

No reira 
Tena koutou tena koutou tena koutou katoa

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Different types of haka

Different types of haka

Whakatu Waewae
Whakatu Waewae is a haka with weapons in which the men jump up and down. Performed by the war party before going into battle, in front of elders and experienced warriors who judged by their performance whether they were ready to go into battle.

Peruperu is a war dance, leaping haka performed with weapons to intimidate the enemy. The men leap off the ground left to right in unison.


Ngeri is a short haka with no set movements and usually performed without weapons.

Manawa Wera
Manawa Wera is a type of haka with no set movements performed especially at tangihanga, unveilings and after speeches.
Image result for kapa haka

Monday, 7 November 2016

Chicago Bulls vs Indiana Pacers

Chicago Bulls vs Indiana Pacers

He metarahi Indiana Pacers - Indiana played great
He taurite Chicago Bulls - Chicago played average
He toharite takaro C.J Miles - C.J Miles played mean
He i takaro tona kino kēmu o te wa Dwayne Wade - Dwayne Wade had played his worst game of the season
He ko te kēmu pai ki te mataara - It was a good game to watch